Anatomy of the Heads - Jungle Cult Terror - BRAND NEW CASSETTE TAPE
released March 22, 2022
Anatomy of the Heads are:
Gore - Hateful Litanies and Extremely Esoteric Devices
Heidenreich - Paraphernalia of Indoctrination
Ikan Raja - Disdain for Lesser Beings
Additional Personnel:
Sutikno - Kempul
Iskandar Purnama Wibowo - Kenong
Adi Cahaya Hadiman - Bonang, Celempung
Deddy Bambang Dharmawijaya - Demung, Keprak
Tri Harta Darmadi - Saron, Kecer
Suzanna Bondar - Rebab, Suling
This epic piece of black magic was recorded during the last full moon of 2020 in the Raffles Ritual Chamber, Indonesia. All compositions were revealed through Jailangkung. Anatomy of the Heads plays exclusively untuned. DEATH TO ALL HIPPIE WIMPS! HAIL HORROR HAIL! Directed by Joe D'Amato.